A chance for change through creative response

Inspiring creativity, encouraging mindfulness and therapeutic experience

Accessible art and creative wellbeing for everyone

Welcome to Creative Chance

Creative Chance offers a range of art services in South London, including outreach for educational support in schools for teachers, and in-house for creative mindfulness.

A range of tailored services: Outreach and at the Art House.


Creativity comes in all shapes and sizes. I will give you the tools and techniques to develop your imagination, so you can start to incorporate ways of being creative into your daily life and shift your experience of the world around you. A regular creative practise is proven to reduce stress and anxiety and to have a calming effect on both body and mind.


Learn to create with intention by practising mindfulness while engaging in specific creative activities that help you support and nourish your mental health. My sessions provide the sacred space to give you a chance to stop and pause, achieve serenity and heal.

Find a place you trust and then try trusting it for a while” Corita Kent


Therapeutic experience can be used as an alternative to psychotherapy to help you or your child deal with trauma. Art can heal by engaging in therapeutic practice and expressive creative exercises, my sessions will enhance your emotional wellbeing, improve personal relationships, explore feelings and help you process your internal world.

About me

I’m Julie Norburn, a qualified teacher and arts educator and a mindful therapeutic practitioner with over 35 years of professional experience, I’m also an accomplished artist, specialising in drawing, mosaic and ceramic. I am the co-founder and executive director of Art4Space and enjoy the challenge of responsible leadership and developing business growth.

With Creative Chance I offer a range of services that allow personal discovery and creative response. My classes are full of energy and variety and give you plenty of opportunities to learn how to create in a warm and supportive environment. What you take away is yours to use as you wish – the way you perceive, process, and organise the techniques and tools you learn will not only shape the way you respond creatively, but also the way you deal with everyday situations.

I am passionate about making art accessible to everyone because I believe in the profound and life changing impact of finding ways to express and actively engage in your creativity. My clients see first-hand how exploring these ways can lead to improvements in mental health and wellbeing, as well as help you fuel your motivation and sense of fulfilment.

I fight for social equality and the rights that everyone has to lead a safe and healthy life, filled with opportunities for learning, creativity and fun. I teach with sensitive care to each individual as everyone is unique. You go away altered in some way. This is all about you!

Julie Norburn of Creative Chance

“Excellent teaching. I love Jewel’s creativity, simple but with clever detail, imaginative and teaches us how to be brave. I cannot recommend her enough, this course has been life changing for me”

Azeb, participant